Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 2

So I already was pretty behind, and then almost three weeks went by on top of that. I am going to hastily catch up to the present and earnestly attempt to keep this blog up. It’s just been hard to do that since I’ve been behind since I got to Paris…

Two and a half weeks ago, Matt came and completed our little Parisian family. We had to get up hella early since his flight got in at 7:30 in da AM, but the lady here who helps us out was able to do drive us to the airport to pick him up, which was nice. He actually was supposed to come a day earlier, but that silly little Icelandic volcano pushed his flight back. It actually ended up being better because it was a jour férié, which means we had a day off work and then we took the Friday off too, so we had a nice fourday weekend. That night we went to a cute little French bistro nearby called Chez Mamy. It was very homey and they literally had one menu (on a chalkboard), so we had to wait for the other table that was also full of Americans, but they did not know any French so they took forever to figure out what they wanted. Thankfully Phoebe is really into cooking and knows all the food terms, so between me and her we were able to not figure everything out. The food was really good. I got l’entrecôte which is basically a steak. I read that meat was supposed to be ordered à saignant in France, which basically means bloody (i.e. rare). I was under the impression that it was more a medium rare, so it was a little too much for my tastes, but not too bad. I learned that next time I should order à point.

Oh, the night before I met up with Kelsey and Irine, two girls that I lived next to my freshman year in the dorms. Kelsey has been studying this semester in France and Irine came to visit her, and so we all met up. That night I was on the way to a friend of Kelsey’s apartment, when I ran into 4 Michigan people on the metro. That was kinda crazy. On the way to the apartment I found myself right in front of the Eiffel tower, all lit up at night. I’ve seen it before, but seeing it all of a sudden that night was really cool, even if it is pretty cliché. That night was also the first time I used the Noctilien bus system (Knight Bus anyone??). As I’ve said the Parisian transportation system is very impressive, and especially the buses. They have a whole fleet of routes that run during the times the regular transportation is not (between the hours of 1-5am). It’s very convenient.

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